Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Grief!

File this under "things they don't tell you when you buy an RV." 

Since the RV show, we have been hitting the stores buying stuff for the new trailer.  It's just like outfitting a new home only things are a lot more expensive now than when we set up our 1st home.

Dishes, plates, bowls, platters (of course they all have to match and color-coordinate), rugs, flatware, cups, glasses, sheets, mattress covers, pillows, trashcans, radio, flashlights, batteries, chairs, outdoor rugs, ... you name it, we've either, got it or have it on our list to get before we leave on our first trip.  What would you like to bet that after our camping weekend, we'll have ANOTHER list of things we just HAVE to have for the trailer. Lord! Not only am I afraid to look back at what it cost so far, but looking at this pile of stuff in my garage, I'm wondering now how much it weighs!  Cargo weight is another item us RV'rs have to be concerned with, you see. 

Heck the photo doesn't even show the bags and bags of stuff we currently have in the back seat of the pickup (more essential RV items, you know). 

And none of that even counts the cool RV stuff you can get at the RV stores! I'm afraid to go pick it up because I know they have racks and racks of "must have" items for your trailer.  Heck I think we'll have to buy another trailer just to have a place to put all the stuff we bought for the trailer.

Anyway, obviously more to come; we'll keep those few unfortunates of you who, for some unknown reason follow our activities on this blog, posted. 

(Hummm... I wonder if I could put a PayPal "DONATE TO A BROKE RV'R" button on this blog?)


  1. Aw man! Uber-cool! Lydia is soooo excited and wants to know when she can have a sleepover in the RV (is there room???) Good choice on the ultra-lite. Good luck this weekend!

    P.S. I am already seeing the "Mr. Weenie" scene in Open Season replaying in Fredricksburg!

  2. Sleeps 5 (or 9 if you're REAL friendly). We'll schedule a sleepover soon
