Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bastrop State Park: November 7-11, 2013

After San Antonio, we arrived back at the Bastrop State Park (see previous post), for a visit with Shelly, Blake, Lydia and Grant Hewett.

The fire which started Labor Day 2011, called "the most destructive wildfire in Texas History" started near Bastrop State Park (see previous post.)  While the park is now open, and most of the facilities are in operation, the park still shows signs of the destruction that caused 2 deaths, and destroyed over 1,600 homes.  In Shelly and Blake's neighborhood, which is just a mile or so from the point that the Bastrop Complex fire started, I estimate that approximately 70-80% of the homes were completely destroyed.

However, while there are visible signs of the terrible fire present everywhere throughout the park, the campgrounds are open and most of the facilities are back in business.  The hiking trails are still great, although they give a completely different feel than they once did.  The once lush forest is coming back with numerous loblolly pines volunteering up.  I'm told the park will soon commence a large scale re-forestation program as well.

The weather was perfect and BB, Henri and I enjoyed sitting outside our RV watching the sunset, smelling the smoke from the neighboring campers ground fires, watching the stars, the laughter and the dancing streaks of light from kids and their light swords, and stargazing.
Bastrop State Park

Damage from Labor Day 2011 Fire

More Damage

Beautiful Sunsets at Bastrop State Park
Shelly and Blake's home, one of the few in their neighborhood not damaged in the fire is beautiful, and nestled into what remains of a beautiful Loblolly Pine forest.  Shelly always has projects going on; the current project is to screen in the backyard pergola we helped them build a few years ago.  They have made great progress, and Shelly works on it a little each day after she and Blake and the kids get home from teaching and from school.  it will likely be completed and a great bug-free environment soon!  Now that Shelly and Blake have chickens, they are doing their best making the outdoor environment bug free as well.
Screening in the Pergola

Shelly is doing such a Great Job!

Outdoor Bug Patrol Team

Shelly, Blake, Lydia and Grant's home in Bastrop
We were fortunate enough to attend worship services at Crosspoint Church with Shelly and Blake and the kids.  This is a wonderfully welcoming, energetic small body of believers located just outside of Bastrop off of State Highway 21.  One of the most impressive things about this congregation is the praise team "Covered."  This group of talented musicians could compete head to head with any professional band I can think of.  I may be a little prejudiced since Shelly sings, and Blake sings and plays Bass, mandolin, guitar, and whatever else might be needed.  The band had an outstanding "set list" with all three of the ladies sharing the lead on solos.  Shelly's was particularly beautiful and moving.  Actually, I'm not prejudiced; all these guys are great!  If you are in the area and looking for a place to worship on Sunday, I highly recommend it.  The lessons are given by differing members, and on this sunday, my son-in-law Blake delivered the lesson.  Blake delivered an impressive lesson based on John the Baptist.  Blake warned me that when he told me that he was teaching (I made the mistake of saying he was preaching - he quickly corrected me by saying he was teaching the lesson - not preaching), that one of the comments he often gets is "Blake, I can't believe you said that!"  There were elements of that in his excellent presentation, but it was an outstanding lesson.

We also were able to meet Blake's family, Jerry and Jan Hewett, and Brent, Kathy and Alison Hewett at a 6-man football game.  This game was composed of teams from students who are being home-schooled in the Bastrop area.  High school football games are so fun; sitting in the bleachers, cheering for your team, eating hot dogs from the concession stand, watching the little kids run and play.  6-man football hold special memories for me.  Growing up in the Nueces Canyon, we played 6-man football up until my freshman year in high school; then we graduated to 8-man football.
6-Man Football!

Great Hot Dogs

We also were able to meet Austin friends Jeanie and Charles Lee at Maxine's on Main restaurant in Bastrop for a nice dinner visit.  Bonnie and Jeanie were friends and co-workers at the University of Texas at Austin.  Charles and I swapped war stories.  We had a great time.

It was sad to leave family and friends in Bastrop but in order to visit family in Oregon, we must head West.

Till next time.

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