Thursday, January 9, 2014

Arizona: Initial Impressions

As of this writing, we've been in SE Arizona since November 22, 2013.  It's been almost a month and a half since I've posted anything.  In looking back, BB, Henri and I have been involved in numerous discrete events, all of which we have enjoyed tremendously.

To be honest, one of the events involved Henri losing three teeth, and I doubt he enjoyed that particular event.  He's OK now and back in his regular form - as our Vet said "dogs are stoic."  I hadn't thought about it that way, but perhaps she's right.

So in deciding how to organize these events, I figured it might be less confusing to the three of you who occasionally read this blog, for me to post a blog for each event.  So be it.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in our RV so far.  It seems the RV community is just that; a community.  We've met some remarkable people and made friendships we hope will last a lifetime.

Hope you enjoy the following updates from our stay at Tombstone Territories RV Resort (TTRV):

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