Sunday, February 23, 2014

Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness

On 2/22/14, thanks to TTRV friends David and Pat Johnson (and the best Arizona tour guides ever), we took a trip into the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness.  This is a stunning portion of Arizona under the management of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nature Conservancy.

According to the BLM website, the Aravapia Canyon Wilderness "includes the 11-mile long Araapia Canyon, as well as the surrounding tablelands, and nine side canyons.  Within the colorfol 1,000 foot canyon walls, outstanding scenery, wildlife and rich history are all protected.  Seven species of native desert fish, desert bighorn sheep, and over 200 species of birds live among shady cottonwoods along the perennial waters of Aravapia Creek."

The wilderness is located southeast of Globe, AZ, and west of Safford, AZ.  (In a previous post, BB and I traveled west from Safford into the Pinaleno Mountains (called the "Grahams" by the locals after the range's highest peak, Mount Graham - some very nice scenery in this part of Arizona.)

On the way into the wilderness, we pass the little town of Bonita.  It was here, in the now closed Bonita Store, that Billy the Kid, according to legend, shot his very first victim.  David, our tour guide extraordinaire, advised that there were still bullet holes in the walls and ceilings when he went in last.  There's not much to Bonita now, except for the Store, the school and the cemetery.

Driving into the Aravapia canyon, we cross numerous low water crossings, running with cold, crystal-clear water.  Within this special ecosystem, most everything is green (or at least greener in contrast with the high desert outside the wilderness.)

We saw very few visitors in the canyon.  That is likely due to the canyon's inaccessibility - you really must want to go down miles of dirt road to get to this special place.  That is likely also why the wilderness remains so pristine.

If you are ever in this area, don't miss out on seeing this beautiful canyon.  Here are some of the photos we took while in the Aravapia Canyon:
David, Bonnie and Pat

David enjoying Lunch


Henri Enjoying the Water

Interior of the Family Chapel

Family Chapel of one of the Original
Settlers in the Canyon

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