Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SE Arizona Activities: Jan-Feb 2014

January and February 2014 has provided opportunities to see many new sights in southeastern Arizona.

On January 9, 2014, the TTRV crew took a field trip to the Amerind Foundation, founded by William Shirley Fulton in 1937 to foster and promote the understanding of the native peoples of America through research, education and conservation.  This is a beautiful museum situated in "Texas Canyon", between Benson and Wilcox.  (Texas Canyon was so named because a group of Texans from Coleman County originally settled in this area, and the local folks began to say this was the canyon with "all those damn Texans in it", hence the name).  Here are some pics from our Amerind trip:

Some of the TTRV Crew:  (L-R) Dave, Sharon, Pat, David, Anne and Georgia

Lunch with Mary Ann and Fred Hoff

Set of Original "2:10 to Yuma" Film
2:10 to Yuma Movie Set on the Amerind Land

Rocks Typical of "Texas Canyon"
(L-R)  Bonnie, Fred and Mary Ann

View of Desert and Mountains near Movie Set
 On January 11, 2014, BB and I joined Fred and Mary Ann Hoff in a trip to Tucson to visit the Pima Air and Space Museum.  This is definitely a "guy" place, because while Fred and I wandered around the entire site looking at all the displays, the girls retired to the coffee shop to drink lattes and visit.  Here are some pics (wish I could identify all the aircraft):
This was the first display; from here the girls went directly to the coffee shop.  

Viet Nam era Huey chopper

SR-71 "Blackbird"

Early Version of Air Force 1

The "Guppy" cargo plane

SAC Bomber

Sikorski Lift Helicopter
On that same day, Fred, Mary Ann, Bonnie and I toured the Sugaro National Park on the east side of Tucson.  This is a beautiful drive and one I highly recommend.  Here are some pics:

Fred and Mary Ann

Fred Outstanding in the Field

On January 14, 2014, TTRV took a field trip to Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, a major roost site for Sandhill Cranes.  Wildlife experts estimate that over 20,000 Sandhill Cranes spend the night in the shallow water of the wildlife area to evade predators.  They fly out each morning to feed in the corn and maize fields nearby, then return each day.  Here are some pics of the Sandhill Cranes:

Lunch @ Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area:  (L_R)  Bonnie, Sharon, Dave, Pat, Georgia (hidden) Anne, Mary Ann, Fred and David

Sandhill Cranes Arriving

Upside Down Ducks

On January 16, 2014, BB Henri and I joined new friends Dave and Margo on another hike around Parker Canyon Lake.  Our friends Roland and Linn rode their Harley up to the lake and met us at the end of the hike:

BB, Dave and Margo

Dave and Margo
Linn, Roland, Dave and Margo @ Parker Canyon Lake

On January 18, 2014, we took the truck and drove with David and Pat to Montezuma's Pass, then along the international border.  
Line at the Potty

Along the International Border
Quite the View from Montezuma's Pass

Boundary Marker @ International Border

House where the John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara movie "McLintock" was filmed
On January 21, 2014, BB, Henri and I went into the Huachuca Mountains for a hike up Brown Canyon.  Here are some pics from this hike:

US Air Force "Aerostat" keeping a watchful eye out for drug smugglers

Ranch house at start of Brown Canyon hike

Cottonwoods and Pond near House

Henri Leads the Way

Top of the Trail
On 2/2/14, BB, Henri and I drove up into the Pinaleno Mountains.  The Pinaleno's are a remote range north of Wilcox, and south and west of Stafford AZ.  The range has over 7,000 feet of vertical relief, more than any other range in Arizona, and is surrounded by the Sonoran-Chihuahuan Desert.  Mount Graham, the highest peak in the Pinalenos, has an elevation of 10,720 feet.

The drive was a beautiful drive up a winding mountain road.  We began to hit snow and ice patches at the 7,000 foot level, and by the 8,000 foot level, the mountain and roads were pretty much solid with snow and ice.  Being a Texas boy who has no clue how to drive on snow or ice, it was an interesting trip up to the road's end at around 9,200 feet.  The 4-wheel drive in my pickup helped a lot.

We threw an obligatory snowball at each other, and Henri made yellow snow, then decided that he would rater wait in the warm pickup.

Here are some pics of our drive into the Pinaleno's:

Map of the Pinaleno Mountains

On February 10, BB, Henri and I took a hike with Fred, Mary Ann and Gibson Hoff into the Huachuca Mountains up Carr Canyon.  Here are some pics from this hike:
The Falls:  Unfortunately 19 hikers have fallen to their death at this location

Fred and Gibson on the Trail

Mary Ann, Henri, Gibson and Fred

Original Homestead Ruins in Carr Canyon

On February 11, I rode with David Johnson on an ATV ride with several other ATV'rs over to the Schieffelin Monument near Tombstone.  We had a catered lunch out in the desert

Lunch in the Desert

David Johnson.  (The sticker advises passengers to "Get In, Set Down, Shut Up and Hold On!"  I did.  

Marker at Ed Schieffelin's Monument.  Ed discovered Silver near what would become the town of Tombstone.  

Charlie and Sandra at the Monument.  

Quite a Few ATVs on this Ride
On February 12, 2014, we joined Fred and Mary Ann Hoff on a tour of Fort Huachuca.  I was stationed here in 1971-1973, and started a landscaping company in the nearby town of Sierra Vista.

The only thing that really looked the same to me was the Raymond W Bliss Army Hospital, where my children Kelly and Shelly were born, October 2, 1971.  Somewhere in our photos, I have a picture of me standing in front of the hospital with two precious bundles.  Hopefully, I'll post that old photo here.  I didn't remember much of the post except for the old part of the post as a lot of changes have been made in 40 years.  We toured the post museums as well.

Birthplace of Kelly and Shelly

Part of the Old Post, Parade Grounds and Officers Quarters

Sure Glad I haven't Changed in 40 Years!
Next, on February 13, BB, Henri and I joined Fred, Mary Ann and Gibson on a hike up to the top of Cochise Stronghold.  This was a beautiful, yet strenuous hike and we didn't get down off the mountain until dusk.

Taking a Break

Mary Ann and Bonnie at the Top

Fred at the Top
On February 15, we joined Fred and Mary Ann for a trip to the Tucson Rodeo.  Great rodeo, fine cuisine, and lot's of sun.  What could be better?  Thanks to Fred for these fine photos:

Each Friday night here at TTRV, we have a "jam" session for local musicians join TTRV RV musicians and try to make music.  I have thoroughly enjoyed our weekly jam sessions and will miss them when Bonnie, Henri and I move on.
Bill, Julie, Roland and Jack listening intently

Art Telling Stories; David and Anne at the Sound Board

Dave, Tommy, Kurt and Helen
Happy Trails Till Next Time

Helen, Joan and Art

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