Sunday, September 8, 2013

The BATmobile and Beaucoup Boxes

This will be an interesting month.

It appears we will close on selling our Austin home around the 1st of October. We must vacate our rental home in Georgetown by the end of September.  Everything in both houses has to be gone and both properties scrubbed clean before then.

While we've stored some items, most of the items have become the prized possessions of friends and family (except for my brother - I can't get him to take anything off my hands.)

It's been fun divesting ourselves of three (+) decades of stuff in preparation for living full time in an RV that has less than 400 square feet.  Right now, our decor is "early lawn" as we are using patio furniture in the living room.  Everything else is boxed up or gone.

There are boxes everywhere.  We've filled Mingo II (our existing trailer) with them, our Austin garage is full of them, as is the Georgetown dining room and garage.

Henri doesn't care though; as long as we keep all his favorite chew toys handy for his slobbering inspection, he has not exhibited a shred of remorse over anything we've let go.

One thing we have added, however, is the BATmobile.

(BAT stands for "Big As*ed Truck.)  The BATmobile is a 1-ton, dual rear wheel, 4 wheel drive monster that, if the used truck salesman is to be believed (and why would a used truck salesman ever lie to you??)..., this baby ought to drive us and our RV straight up a mountain.  And the used truck salesman also assures us than when we crest the mountain, the dual rear wheels will provide that extra measure of security and safety due to the double brakes.  Heck, it even had a fifth-wheel hitch mounted in the bed.

Now if I only knew how to use a fifth-wheel hitch in the first place, and, in the second place, had a fifth-wheel RV to which to hitch, things would be about right.  Oh well; one thing at a time.

Meanwhile, stop by if you're in the neighborhood.  I might make you a deal you can't refuse on a unique piece of treasure.

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