Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Things We'll Miss

After a few delays, Bonnie and I finally closed on the sell of our Austin home yesterday.  And, as we vacated our Georgetown rental home at the end of September, BB, Henri and me are now officially homeless - (in a good way).

Many, many thanks to Kathy, Tina and Taki for letting us camp out with them in San Antonio during this time.  As you can see, roughing it has been a tough job, but somebody has to do it.
Taki, Kathy, BB and Tina

We placed an offer on a RV last week as well, and they are currently checking out all the primary systems and equipment.  If all checks out, we should be able to close on our new (to us) RV within the next week or so.  The next step will be to drive the RV out of Houston (that could be be the most difficult task of all), set up in an RV resort in San Antonio, and move all our remaining stuff from the storeroom into the RV, and get it all set up.  Looks like a few more trips to Wal Mart will likely be in order.

Next, our plans are to visit family and friends in Bastrop and Austin before starting our first "real" trip out West, hopefully through Camp Wood to visit the folks there, and eventually ending up at Kelly, Tammy and Devon's in Oregon.  From there -  well, stay tuned; who knows? We will keep this blog updated with notes and pictures.

This new phase is exciting for BB and me.  We're looking forward to what we'll find ahead.  We'll miss, however, the things we left behind.

Certainly in no order of precedence, here's some of the things we'll miss:

 Family and friends in Bastrop and Austin. 

The Betty Cook home.  This has been a great home for us due to it's location, and it's layout.  It was a place which offered plenty of opportunities for improvements.It was a good place to have family and friends over. This is the house that the grandkids most likely identify with.  It was the place we tracked the grandkid's growth on the garage wall, just like we did for Kelly and Shelly in the Georgetown house. 

Henri's swimming pool at the Betty Cook home.

Pickin' and grinnin' with family and friends.  The 'Cutters' may not have hit the Billboard charts just yet, but we remain legends in our own minds. 

Friends and our church family at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church in Georgetown.  

The backyard screen porch swing at the Georgetown house. 

The Ranch on the Frio River. 

Good eatin in the Austin / Georgetown area including Club Sandwich at the Monument Cafe in Georgetown, Migas at Trudy's, Enchiladas Perfecto and queso at Maudies , Performance enhancing breakfast tacos at Fran's Hamburgers.

I'm sure we'll miss many more things than that.  But we look forward to what we'll find on the road.  We'll keep you posted.

How Quickly They Grow

Formal Grandkids at Betty Cook

Monkey Grandkids at Betty Cook

Working in the Memory Garden at SGPC

Family at Betty Cook

The Cutters (-)

Enjoying the Day at Betty Cook

The Frio during Good Times

Till next time.  


  1. Photos & text reminders of many wonderful times. Thanks you two!!

  2. Tried to post this earlier, so if this is a duplicate, my apologies. Great pics, and great memories
