Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Joseph, Oregon and Lake Wallowa

While the RV was in the shop recovering from my stellar driving skills, BB, Henri and I drove into the northeast corner of Oregon to visit the town of Joseph.  We had heard from RV friends that this was a beautiful part of the State, and found that they were right.

Joseph, Oregon is a small town in N.E. Oregon located at the base of the Wallowa Mountains and near the Eagle Cap Wilderness.  Joseph was named after the Nez Perce Indian chief.

BB, Henri and I stayed in some rental cabins at the head of Wallowa Lake.  Here are some pictures from our stay.

Lake Wallowa Resort

Wallowa Lake is beautiful and is full of crystal-clear snowmelt.  The lake is called a "ribbon lake" and was carved by ancient glaciers and impounded by moraines, at an elevation of 4300 feet.  Here are some photos of the Lake Wallowa area:

Lake Wallowa State Park

Contrails say "X Marks the Spot" over LakeWallowa

If you know BB, you also know she loves "goat trails."  Goat trails are small, winding, preferably unpaved, even more preferable with bobwire gates across the road, and a generous supply of cowpooties (some may even be the venomous type), that lead to parts unknown.  BB's unerring sense of direction never fail because she always seems to know where this road leads and where it will take us.  It's a good thing, because if it were up to me, we would still be wandering around out there completely lost.  During this trip, we found concrete evidence of the existence of the Sidehill Woofus! (See link).  

Anyway, here are some pictures of this particular goat trail adventure.

Looking Over the Prairie toward Idaho

Looking toward Hells Canyon

Tracks of the Sidehill Woofus

Zumwalt Prairie

BB Goes where Goats Fear to Tread

Sidehill Cowus or Cowpootie Depositor?

This is a beautiful part of Oregon, and we will definitely try to return in the future.

As we left, this Bobwhite Quail gave us quite a sendoff:

Till next time!

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